dental crowns for kids

Dental Crowns For Kids

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Restore Damaged & Decayed Teeth

Dental crowns offer an effective, minimally invasive solution for rebuilding smiles after trauma or decay. By covering affected teeth with custom ceramic caps, we conserve more healthy structure compared to large fillings. Kids also benefit from a 95% success rate, shielding teeth from further damage. Our Kyle dentists create and cement tooth-colored crowns that blend seamlessly with surrounding teeth. Contact Kids Tooth Team to learn more about protecting your child's oral health through advanced restoration techniques.

White Crowns

Kids Tooth Team provides beautifully natural-looking Sprig ceramic crowns that blend seamlessly with surrounding teeth. Made of durable medical grade polymer, these "white crowns" offer metal-free protection indistinguishable from enamel. The lifelike material makes Sprig caps ideal for reinforcing front teeth compared to metal alternatives because they don't compromise on aesthetics.

Since they closely mimic natural shape, shade and feel, restored smiles stay vibrant, confident and healthy as intended until permanent teeth erupt. And having a Sprig-certified clinician like Dr. Alex allows our team to deliver the most cutting-edge pediatric dental solutions available. Trust us to help your child show off their brightest smile possible!

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pediatric dental crowns

Stainless Steel Crowns

Prefabricated stainless steel caps offer an extremely durable and budget-friendly choice for reinforcing primary teeth. Their versatility, strength and ease of application makes these metal crowns ideal for protecting little smiles.

We efficiently place appropriate sized crowns same-day using gentle techniques like the Hall Method which require no drilling or injections. While staying securely cemented, stainless steel crowns safely preserve functionality of the baby teeth until adult teeth erupt. This reliable option can serve patients well when thoughtfully recommended and properly placed by a skilled dentist.

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Hall Crowns

The Hall Technique offers a drill-less and shot-free crown placement method for some situations. After cleaning the affected tooth, we use special dental cement to adhere prefabricated crowns directly to the affected tooth without prior removal of damaged enamel.

Ideal candidates experience the convenience of tooth protection and reinforcement in a single, minimally invasive appointment. While not appropriate for every case, when possible the Hall approach provides an excellent, patient-friendly solution for restoring young smiles.

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The Crown Placement Process

Our Kyle pediatric dentists start by cleaning the teeth before administering numbing medication around the area receiving a crown. For conventional treatment, damaged sections then get removed using a dental drill so the new cap perfectly fits the reshaped underlying tooth structure. After precision contouring, the custom fabricated or correctly sized prefabricated crown gets bonded permanently in position.

Alternatively, the Hall Technique cements caps into place without drilling or reshaping. The special cement used seals in and arrests the decay.

Both types of crown placements quickly restore form and function and result in a proper fit and positioning tailored to your child’s needs.

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FREE Second Opinions!

We love welcoming new folks ‘round these parts. If you’re planning your first visit, be sure to take advantage of our new patient special. With a free second opinion consultation, we’ll make sure your little one gets started off on the right foot at our office.

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Why Would My Child Need a Crown?

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Treat a Deep Cavity

Rather than over-drilling to place bulky fillings, caps reinforce what remains of deeply compromised enamel. This prevents tooth loss more successfully than other methods in severely cavity-ridden teeth.

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Restore a Damaged Tooth

With the protective nature of the cap, crowns fully envelop fractured areas to prevent further damage. Whether the damage is the result of injury or decay, kids regain confidence chewing and smiling freely again after treatment.

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After a Pulpotomy/Pulpectomy (Nerve Treatment)

Following interventions to eradicate diseased nerves, custom or prefab crowns seal the tooth and bring it back to its original functionality. This comprehensive defense limits chances of reinfection.

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Understanding The Benefits Of Sprig White Crowns

Looking for options to restore your child’s tooth? Sprig white crowns in Kyle offer more than just aesthetic advantages.

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Stronger material

Sprig crowns use zirconia, which proves even more durable than stainless steel against chewing and biting pressures, preventing damage or loosening. Kids can confidently chew, bite and speak without worry.

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Completely metal-free

These non-metal crowns prevent irritation in children with sensitivities. Biocompatible materials ensure compatible comfort.

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Natural look and feel

Unlike glaring stainless steel, tooth-colored ceramic that comes in a variety of shades allows Sprig crowns to blend seamlessly with surrounding teeth. Kids can enjoy a beautiful smile without being reminded every day of their treatment.

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Resistant to future decay

Kids aren't the best at brushing and flossing regularly, so Sprig crowns add extra defenses with bacteria-resistant properties inside and out. Precision contours and internal grooves form an airtight barrier keeping out invading decay. While proper habits remain essential for oral health, Sprig caps provide an added layer of protection.

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Placed by Sprig-certified dentists

Sprig requires that dentists be properly trained before they're able to offer and place these crowns. This training ensures that dentists know how to achieve the best possible outcomes for your child. At Kids Tooth Team, Dr. Alex is a Sprig-certified dentist in Kyle that you can trust to take great care of your little one’s teeth.

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Our Expertise With Sprig White Crowns

At Kids Tooth Team, Dr. Alex holds full Sprig crown credentials and also serves on the product's national clinical teaching faculty. This exclusive appointment allows her to train pediatric dentists across America in Sprig's best practices. As both inventor-designated specialist and instructor, patients benefit from Dr. Alex's unparalleled expertise and leading industry standards.

When you choose our practice for tooth restoration, your child receives care from renowned experts focused on advancing minimally invasive techniques for happier, healthier children's dentistry outcomes. Of course, our kid-friendly staff ensures comfortable, anxiety-free visits from consultation through treatment as well!

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How Long Do Pediatric Dental Crowns Last?

Stainless steel crowns last around 5-10 years which meets most primary tooth lifespans. Ceramic Sprig caps have up to 20-year lifespans, but baby teeth get naturally replaced by emerging permanent teeth between ages 6-13.

Crown durability mainly focuses on maintaining function during the tooth's transitionary role. But parents desiring maximum resilience against fracture prior to expected tooth losses may prefer zirconia for added strength, preservation, and peace of mind.

Either way, properly contoured crowns withstand bites and chewing forces to cover smiles throughout developmental phases. We're happy to talk through lifespan considerations so families can decide which material best suits your individual child's needs.

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Are Pediatric Dental Crowns Covered By Insurance?

When deemed medically essential, insurance plans usually help pay for children's dental crowns, though specific policies may range in what exactly is covered. While basic stainless steel crowns tend to receive universal allowance, tooth-colored options may undergo tighter scrutiny or require personal out-of-pocket investment.

Understanding exclusions, yearly maximum benefits and procedure categories gets complicated fast! To accurately gauge coverage eligibility based on your child’s needs, we advise calling your insurance provider directly and asking a representative to explain your benefits and if pediatric dental crown are covered.

Don't hesitate to contact our team, too. We gladly answer questions and maximize available assistance so that no family avoids seeking optimal oral health for their children because of cost.

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Aftercare for Dental Crowns

Dental crowns require no special aftercare or downtime. However, there are a few things you should be on the lookout for after your child’s procedure.

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Some Tenderness & Sensitivity Is Normal

Experiencing minor tooth pain or tenderness after getting a crown is a perfectly normal part of the healing process. It takes time for irritation from reshaping or placement to fully subside. Discomfort typically starts fading within the first couple weeks. Some bleeding or oozing may occur, but that should subside within 24 hours.

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Tooth Pain Is Not Normal

Sudden throbbing or aching that keeps kids awake is not normal. Likewise, pulsing sensitivity that lasts over 14 days may indicate complications requiring evaluation. If alarming discomfort emerges post-procedure, call our Kyle office to arrange a follow-up. We'll gently investigate the cause and resolve the issue promptly.

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