sedation dentistry for kids in South Austin, TX

Sedation Dentistry For Kids

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Fight Back Against Anxiety & Fear

Does your child feel nervous or fearful about visiting the dentist? Sedation dentistry offered by Kids Tooth Team can help ease their anxiety. We provide a gentle, caring environment for patients in the South Austin area. Contact us to discuss sedation options that may help your child feel at ease, allowing them to receive the quality dental care they need. Schedule an appointment to learn more about how we can help your child feel comfortable and relaxed.

Laughing Gas Sedation

Laughing gas is the most commonly used sedation method for children in dentistry. It involves breathing in a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen through a nose mask. This creates a floating, disconnected sensation which minimizes feelings of anxiety, fear or discomfort. Laughing gas also helps reduce gag reflexes frequently experienced during dental procedures. Side effects are quite rare, but may include a slight headache, dizziness or upset stomach afterwards. Pure oxygen is administered at the end of the appointment to quickly flush the effects of laughing gas from the body. This allows children to return to normal activity right away.

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Oral Sedation

Oral conscious sedation involves taking a liquid sedative medication 15-30 minutes before a dental appointment. Our experienced pediatric dentist in South Austin uses safe, effective oral sedatives tailored specifically to each child’s needs. After taking effect, children feel sleepy and groggy which minimizes awareness and memory of treatment. While deeply relaxed, patients remain responsive. Fasting is required starting at midnight prior to this sedation method. Parents or guardians must accompany children to appointments and monitor them afterwards. It may take several hours for oral sedation to fully wear off. Potential side effects include drowsiness, nausea, headaches or disorientation as the medication leaves their system. Proper arrangements should be made to avoid school for that day as children require close supervision while recovering at home.

Intranasal Sedation

Intranasal sedation involves spraying a liquid sedative medication into the nose using a specialized device. This provides an alternative option if children are unable to take sedation orally or for shorter procedures. The medication takes effect within 5-15 minutes, inducing deeper relaxation. Children may become drowsy or even fall asleep. Fasting is still required after midnight the evening prior. A parent or guardian must accompany the child, who then needs close at-home monitoring the remainder of the day. School and other activities should be avoided as the sedation fully wears off.

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FREE Second Opinions!

We love welcoming new folks ‘round these parts. If you’re planning your first visit, be sure to take advantage of our new patient special. With a free second opinion consultation, we’ll make sure your little one gets started off on the right foot at our office.

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The Benefits of Sedation

Sedation allows Kids Tooth Team to ensure your child receives quality care safely and comfortably. Different levels can be tailored to specific needs—it's not one-size-fits all. Many non-sedation options exist, too! Your child’s comfort and safety remain our top priorities. We will thoroughly discuss all appropriate treatment options together before deciding how to best proceed.

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Relief From Anxiety

If your child is nervous about visiting the dentist, sedation can help soothe anxiety so they feel completely at ease under our care.

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Kids Stay Calm & Comfortable

Sedation enables kids to remain still, relaxed and comfortable even during lengthy dental appointments at Kids Tooth Team.

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Deal With Fear of Needles & More

Sedation helps children overcome fears of needles for numbing as well as other issues like strong gag reflexes.

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia is commonly used for very young patients or those needing extensive, complex dental work. It is administered by an anesthesiologist who specializes in sedation.

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The Benefits of General Anesthesia

General anesthesia allows children to remain completely asleep and comfortable, without any memory of treatment afterwards. With an anesthesiologist providing sedation and our dentists performing procedures, we can safely complete all necessary dental care in a single visit.

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Does My Child Need General Anesthesia?

We offer general anesthesia in-office for healthy children and in-hospital settings for medically complex cases or per parent preference. It is ideal for very young patients, those with special healthcare needs, and children requiring extensive or complicated treatments. If a child struggles to tolerate awake dental care or needs multiple extractions, general anesthesia enables completing everything necessary while they sleep.

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